3D platformers are quite a rarity today, and it's a shame because they can be awesome and highly influential too, just look at Super Mario 64 and the acclaim that surrounds it. Even though they have a tendency to be simplistic in terms of gameplay mechanics and story, they are just fun, rewarding and challenging to play. Because of my passion for 3D platformers, I'm always on the lookout for new ones to try.
One particular series I missed out on
was Ty The Tasmanian Tiger (as you can tell by the name of my blog, I
can appreciate the use of alliteration). Ty has recently been getting
some attention in the gaming world because of the upcoming remake of
the original game (I say upcoming, it's actually on PC now, but in
'Early Access', meaning it's in a unfinished state, but is playable
and available to buy). So I thought, why not revisit the original PS2
version of the game, and see what it's like.